Saturday, July 21, 2012

Starve the Weevils

This />ost is not just to inform you about a terrific name for your band (although I think that "Starve the Weevils" has a really nice ring to it), it is written to inform you about my latest cha/>ter in insect control.

 I continue to be baffled at the numbers of />ests that make Samoa their home. In the invertebrate category alone, we run into mosquitoes, black flies, ants, roaches, giant s/>iders, stinging centi/>edes, and milli/>edes on a daily basis.  I wouldn't even bat and eye to see any of the number hanging out in my kitchen on a given morning.  Weevils, however, were the unex/>ected />arty guests that caught me off guard THIS morning in my cabinet.  Here is the story:

I have this large tu/>/>erware container that I use as a way  to kee/> bugs out of our o/>ened food bags.  It has things like raisins, />asta, />o/>corn kernels, rice and granola all shoved ha/>hazardly under its vacuum sealed lid.  For the />ast year, this container has done a s/>lendid job kee/>ing the bugs (mostly ants) out of our grains and such, but over the />ast week or so, Kai and I have been quite sick.  This means that I have not done any cooking and as a consequence, the kitchen has fallen into a state of total chaos.  (OK, ok, if you know me really well then you are calling my bluff.   I will admit that as a rule, my kitchen is always in a state of chaos.  This week though,  it could have />assed for one of the inner circles of Hell, but I digress.)  I tell you this minor detail so you will understand why I had not been to visit my darling tu/>/>erware in a few days.  All I can say is that when I o/>ed it this morning in ho/>es of making a bit of oatmeal, I was met with a weevil infestation of e/>ic />ro/>ortions!  It was like I had created a uto/>ia for weevils....a />erfect ecosystem where all of their nutritional needs were being lovingly met.  Heck, I  />probably threw in a few extra snacks for them last week while they were raising their larva to be u/>standing members of the weevil society. 

All I can say is that it was a sad day for me as I threw away bag after bag of hoarded, im/>orted dry goods that I had been stashing.  I chucked beans and cereals and dried fruit.  I />arted with goodies that I may not find again on this island.  I swore an oath for weevil genocide (which, by the way, will be the first song on my new album) as I scrubbed my container and the surrounding cabinets.  I vowed starve the weevils.


  1. oh that is horrible, when I found weevils, I bawled, cried and cried, they destroyed a few hundred in food, evil evil things

  2. Lady, I've got a weevil story for you from last summer! I went home for two weeks, and when I got back and saw the little moths all around my cupboard, I investigated. They had eaten through all my plastic bags, got in all the tupperware in the kitchen, and there were literally hundreds if not thousands of the little wormy things crawling live through the food still! I had to throw out my entire food storage and my roommates had to throw out all theirs, we deep cleaned the kitchen, and pest sprayed. now when I see a moth I am SO PARANOID.

  3. ACCCKKK! I can't wait for the album though!
