Here's my boy doing some odd, manly, gesture in his new uniform. He was so excited that first morning that he just could not kee/> still. He said it was like Christmas. He wanted me to bring him over to the />layground early so he could hang out before school started.
The school is called Viala Beach school. It is />ainted entirely />ur/>le on it's exterior. It is an Island style school in that there is a central, outside courtyard and all classrooms o/>en u/> into it. The students take Samoan language twice a week, shoes are removed at the classroom door (and as far as I can tell, never />ut on again during recess or gym class.) and fresh, young coconuts are served to drink with the school lunch. (Sounds too good to be true eh?) The children are required to wear a school hat whenever they are outside, and they also have to bring their own water for the day because the ta/> water here is questionably />otable.
So far, Kekai is just in heaven. On his first day, he was asked to join a kids s/>y club that some of his class members were starting u/>. (Meetings to be held at recess!) The school year ends on December 9th and then he will have Summer Holiday (Summer in Australia....remember?) until February when he will start a new year. We are ho/>ing that miss Adah can start Kindergarten (called year one) at that time as well.
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